Partners & Friends

Partners & Friends

Special thanks to my family…

To my mother Slavica, who throughout her lifetime, deeply loved me, was a great supporter of my dreams, and who bought my very first piano with a lot of sacrifice;
To my husband Nenad and my three children for their endless love, support, patience, inspiration and encouragement.

… to my team for the finalization of Spark, Night, Seasons of Life, Forever, Life Stories and IL MARE albums

I am deeply grateful to my amazing team that made the finalization and the launch of my albums possible. All compositions from Spark, Night, Seasons of Life, Forever, Life Stories, and Il Mare albums, but also from Soul Colours, were composed and performed by Antonija. All the albums, except for Soul Colours, were also produced, recorded and mixed by Antonija Pacek.

Grand piano compositions for all albums were beautifully mastered by Davor Rocco, and all the compositions that are featured in felt piano were mastered by Eldar Ibrahimovic. For “Aloft” on IL MARE album, cello was arranged by Davor Rocco and Antonija Pacek, feat. Neva Begovic on cello. For bonus track, “the Sea” on IL MARE, Barbara Kier is featured with her amazing and dreamy vocal. “Awakening” on the album “Night”, and “Night” on the CD “Spark” were fantastically orchestrated by Fanch Parker.

In 2017 online marketing, social media as well as the creation of this website was done by Karin Gant. As of April 2018, Antonija has been doing promotion and social media postings.

Art for Life Stories (both sides); Night, Seasons of Life (back sides) was created by Michael Hofbauer (Chiwa Media). Art for IL MARE cover was created by Inge Funke.

Photography: cover for the Life Stories by Philipp Nemenz, cover for the IL MARE by Alina Pacek; back side photography from Seasons of Life and NIght albums, as well as the top photo on the website home page and the top photo on the blog page by Dean Tosovic (Island of Lopud, Croatia).

Global digital distribution for Life Stories and IL MARE albums changed in 2022, both albums are now digitally distributed by Yellow Rose Records from Australia.


… and to my partners

Yellow Rose Records

A special thanks to Yellow Rose Records for signing my newest album “Seasons of Life” in June 2021 as well as for their passionate, professional promotion of my music. What a privilege to be working with Eldar Ibrahimovic (supporting me with orchestration for “Lost” and mastering solo piano and orchestrated “Lost”), Clayton Popa for his great art work for all tracks as well as cover for the album, Sanja Romic for orchestrating and performing oboe on “Sadness” and “Rain Drops”, and thanks to Davor Rocco for his amazing mixing and mastering of “Sadness” and “Rain Drops”. Website link

Parma Recordings – Navona Records

Thanks to Parma Recordings for giving me an opportunity to sign a record deal in May 2020 for my new album “Forever”. I am grateful to my entire team who worked on the new album “Forever” and here are credits: music was beautifully mastered by Davor Rocco, cover photography was created by Antonio Gonzalez and back side of the CD by Antonio Gonzalez and Nina Pacek. Executive Producer is Bob Lord, Executive A&R is Sam Renshaw, A&R Director is Brandon MacNeil, and my very first contact was an A&R Manager – Chris Robinson. VP Audio Production by Jeff LeRoy, Audio Director is Lucas Paquette, Art Director is Ryan Harrison. CD design was created by Edward A. Fleming and Publicity has been done by Patrick Niland and Sara Warner. Naxos has been distributing the new album both physically and on all major streaming platforms. For more details go to: LINK

Elisabetta Castiglioni

Elisabetta Castiglioni was my publicist and manager, who organized and accompanied me on my very first tour in Italy in April 2018 – it was a beautiful and unforgettable experience. Elisabetta also organized my concert with Susanna Montagna and Daniela Cavallini in Auditorium Parco della Musica in 2019., Elisabetta Castiglioni

For bookings please contact:

Autentico Music

Special thanks to George Garcia for signing my debut album Soul Colours with his label, Autentico Music, for publicizing it, and for believing in me.

Warner Chappell

My appreciation to Warner Chappell in Germany for giving me the opportunity to sign a music publishing contract for Soul Colours.