Antonio Gonzalez received my CD that I sent to him as my warm thank you! Antonio had his beautiful photography “Windmill” taken on the Canary Islands that ended on the NASA platform. He was a recipient of an award “picture of the day” there on April 17th this year. A part of the picture is on my CD cover “Forever” with his permission.
Antonio Gonzalez wrote to me: “About the picture….
I wanted to look for the stars movement around the north (on the Canary Islands) and to fit in the windmill, to help them move forever.
I dedicated this photography to all those who are on the front line to fight the virus, and in memory of those who are no longer among us.”
On Antonio’s FB page he wrote, when he received my CD: “After NASA gave me the APOD, some people contacted me to ask for permission to print my photography to put it in their houses. A university professor asked me to place the photo in his office, in the USA. But the case that made me very happy was when a renown pianist contacted me to ask if she could take a part of my picture on her upcoming CD.
She sent me one CD to enjoy it. THANK YOU VERY MUCH Antonija Pacek and congratulations for this new professional project.”
She sent me one CD to enjoy it. THANK YOU VERY MUCH Antonija Pacek and congratulations for this new professional project.”
I also feel deeply grateful that Antonio created a video, where his out-of-this world space images are followed by the song “Aloft” from “Il Mare” album: