Thank you so much Mic for spreading the word in Italy about our upcoming nexTus Festival in your magazine Pianeta Salute. For full article in Italian please click here.

Thank you Myroslava for your beautiful interview in a renown blog in LA, “Pastimes for a Lifetime”, about the nexTus Fetival. Read more here about it in English!

Bernhard, the father of the BYOM academy, and our dedicated, fantastic lecturer, also got interview this week in “Salzburger Nachrichten” about the upcoming nexTus Festival, and here you can read more about it in German!

Orchesterlan(d): full article

Orchestergraben: full article

Podcast with Elisabeth: link

JOIN us for this ONE-OF-A-KIND, INNOVATIVE nexTus Festival that has incredible, dedicated artists and exceptional speakers – you can meet all artists and speakers, and ask them questions! Otherworldly experience! A real treat…